Please visit our sponsors:
Join Zipcar and get $25 in free driving! Footfriends.COM

The san francisco foot parties have been cancelled.

The venue we used to use is no longer available.

Thank you for your support in the past.

Remember, The People Make the Party. Help get a lot of great people at these parties by forwarding this page link along with 2012 party dates to all your foot friends or feel free to post in your private newsgroups.

FootPartySF -- SAN FRANCISCO All Male Foot Party Information
The next San Francisco Foot Party will be held on:
    Friday, September 21st, 2012 (Folsom Street Fair weekend)
    NOTE: location sent via email (sign up as described below) or call (760) 569-4283
Detailed directions to the party are available by clicking here.
Cover  includes beer,vodka, soda, chips, preview foot videos and full use of this great playspace
$20  general admission
$10  students under 25 with student ID
$5_  people under 21
Models  We will have models for this months party
We’ll have the 2 guys shown below as well as one not yet confirmed
Videos & Sale Items some of the online sites have provided us with videos for you to purchase as a convenience over ordering online.

As always, we have a variety of promo videos to watch during the parties. We've received samples from the Grafmiller Tickle Video collection, Kink Video, Underfoot Video, and FootFriends.

Party Pics Pics from previous parties can be seen at
Subscribing to Partyinfo

Subscribe to Partyinfo by sending an email to: or by filling out the following form. You will be sent email requesting confirmation, to prevent others from gratuitously subscribing you. This is a hidden list, which means that the list of members is available only to the list administrator.

    Your email address:
    Your name (optional):
2012 San Francisco Party Dates
The 2012 San Francisco parties will be ON SELECT DATES at the same location on the 4th friday of the month


    Friday, September 21st, 2012 (Folsom Street Fair weekend)